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SignIn Experience

The Amazon SignIn experience

Amazon SignIn provides signIn experience to buyer like below.

Merchant site
● ● ●
Sign in
Amazon Pay
● ● ●
Signed in!
Amazon Pay Hosted page

(Below numbers correspond to those on the chart on the left)

  1. Merchant shows Amazon SignIn button on sign-in page or account linkage page. The buyer clicks on the Amazon SignIn button to start signIn.

  2. The buyer is redirected to Amazon Pay Hosted page and signs in. Then the buyer clicks "Continue" button on the next consent page.
    Amazon Pay redirects buyer to signInReturnUrl.

  3. Merchant call Get Buyer API using buyerToken provided by Amazon Pay and get buyerId as API response.
    Merchant searches this buyerId in member database, and if member matches, merchant signes in the mermber to merchant site in backend.

Prerequisites for using Amazon SignIn

Amazon SignIn enables buyer to signs in merchants website using Amazon login. To make this work, merchant needs to get Amazon buyer's unique ID (buyerId) from Amazon Pay and store it together with mermber ID in member database.

Before explaining how-to-integrate, see next page to learn SignIn related objects, APIs and major parameters.