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What's Charge?

A Charge represents a single payment transaction. Once Authorization is obtained, Amazon creates Charge object.
Charge is linked to Charge Permission as explained in Object relationship.

Charge object has chargeId as a unique key.


Amazon pay calles authorization as Charge, and it's permission to Charge as Charge Permission. See Object relationship for relationship bewteen Charge Permission and Charge.

Settlement is managed as a status of Charge, and Amazon Pay calls it Capture.

Charge holds following information

  • chargeId
  • Charge amount
  • Capture amount
  • Refund amount
  • Linked chargePermissionId
  • Status
  • TimeStamps



Charge expires after certain period.


After 30 days

The charge will move to a Canceled state if the Charge is explicitly canceled, or the Charge expires after 30 days in the Authorized state.

Be careful with charge expiration if you plan to Capture Charge (settlement) after a certain period. In case Charge expires before Capturing it, you need to re-create Charge against Charge Permission by calling Create Charge API.

More detail

See Integration Guide - Charge for more detail.