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Have buyer choose whether to use “both shipping address + payment method” or “payment method only” in the checkout flow

Flow diagram

Below diagram shows website screen transitioning togehter with merchant and Amazon Pay processes involved. Diagram is horizontal, and flows from left to right. Scroll the diagram to the right to see all flow.

Option1. Have buyer choose on dialog

Merchant siteAmazon Pay Hosted page in generalMerchant processingMerchant site
Merchant shows Amazon Pay button on their website such as explained in
"Merchant site to show Amazon Pay button on cart" or,
"Merchant site to choose Amazon Pay as payment method".
Let's assume that merchant shows Amazon Pay button on cart page for example.
Initially use productType=PayAndShip and use decoupling button
What's decouplig button?
Process sequence
1. Render Amazon Pay button (amazon.Pay.renderButton)
2. Show dialog before initiating checkout session
(amazonPayButton.OnClick > custom action = show_dialog())
3. Once buyer chose "PayAndShip" or "PayOnly", update productType in payload and execute initCheckout
(amazonPayButton.initCheckout or amazon.Pay.initCheckout)
● ● ●
Cart page
Coffee Beans
Cofee beans
Coffee Beans
Coffee cup

Amazon Pay
The buyer clicks Amazon Pay button
● ● ●
Cart page
Coffee Beans
Cofee beans
Coffee Beans
Coffee cup

Amazon Pay
Process sequence
1. Render Amazon Pay button

2. Show dialog before initiating checkout session
(amazonPayButton.OnClick > custom action = show_dialog())
3. Once buyer chose "PayAndShip" or "PayOnly", update productType in payload and execute initCheckout
(amazonPayButton.initCheckout or amazon.Pay.initCheckout)
Merchant shows dialog for buyer to choose from PayAndShip or PayOnly
The buyer choose and click.
Let's assume the buyer chose "Shipping address and Payment" in this case.
Do you want to use Amazon shipping address?
Shipping address and Payment
Payment only
Process sequence
1. Render Amazon Pay button

2. Show dialog before initiating checkout session
(amazonPayButton.OnClick > custom action = show_dialog())

3. Once buyer chose "PayAndShip" or "PayOnly", update productType in payload and execute initCheckout
(amazonPayButton.initCheckout or amazon.Pay.initCheckout)
Merchant updates productType (in createCheckoutSessionConfig) to PayAndShip or PayOnly based on buyer choise, and execute initCheckout.
Process sequence
1. Render Amazon Pay button

2. Show dialog before initiating checkout sessionbr
(amazonPayButton.OnClick > custom action = show_dialog())

3. Once buyer chose "PayAndShip" or "PayOnly", update productType in payload and execute initCheckout
(amazonPayButton.initCheckout or amazon.Pay.initCheckout)
Screen and processing are same with General flow - Amazon Pay Hosted page in general.
Merchant then call Get Checkout Session API with amazonCheckoutSessionId.
Merchant receives shipping address, payment instruments as API response
Ref: Get Checkout Session response
Merchant shows (overwrites) information received in API response (shipping address, payment instrument and etc) on merchant order review page, implement bindChangeAction to "Change" button.
● ● ●
Order review page
Shipping address
Shimomeguro 1-8-1, Meguro, Tokyo
Amazon Taro

Payment instrument
VISA 1111xxxx (Amazon Pay)

Order detail
Coffee Beans
Coffee beans
Coffee Beans
Coffee cup

About shipping address and name
Same with General flow - About shipping address and name
About payment instrument
Same with General flow - About payment instrument
Change button for shipping address and payment instrument
For buyer to change shipping address or payment instrument on Amazon Pay Hosted page, merchant put "change" button on the site, and implement bindChangeAction to "change" button.
Same with General flow - bindChangeAction.
The buyer clicks "Place Order" button.
● ● ●
Order review page
Shipping address
Shimomeguro 1-8-1, Meguro, Tokyo
Amazon Taro

Payment instrument
VISA 1111xxxx (Amazon Pay)

Order detail
Coffee Beans
Coffee beans
Coffee Beans
Coffee cup


Button rendering script example for above scenario

<div id="AmazonPayButton"></div>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
var amazonPayButton = amazon.Pay.renderButton('#AmazonPayButton', {
// set checkout environment
merchantId: 'xxxxxxx',
ledgerCurrency: 'JPY',
sandbox: true,
checkoutLanguage: 'ja_JP',
productType: 'PayAndShip',
placement: 'Cart',
buttonColor: 'Gold',

//Set Amazon Pay Button click event
//1. Add a function to show a dialog
//2. Based on buyer choice on a dialog,
//If buyer chose to use both shipping address and payment instrument from Amazon Pay, you will initiate Checkout Session by executing amazonPayButton.initCheckout
createCheckoutSessionConfig: {
payloadJSON: '{
"webCheckoutDetails": {
"checkoutReviewReturnUrl": ""
"storeId": "amzn1.application-oa2-client.xxxxxxxxx",
"scopes": ["name", "email", "phoneNumber", "billingAddress"],
"deliverySpecifications": {
"addressRestrictions": {
"type": "Allowed",
"restrictions": {
"JP": {
"statesOrRegions" : ["東京都"],
"zipCodes": ["1530064"]
signature: 'xxxx',
publicKeyId: 'xxxxxxxxxx'

//If buyer chose to use only payment instrument from Amazon Pay, you will initiate Checkout Session by amazon.Pay.initCheckout
merchantId: 'xxxxxxx',
ledgerCurrency: 'JPY',
sandbox: true,
checkoutLanguage: 'ja_JP',
productType: 'PayOnly', //Change to "PayOnly"
placement: 'Cart',
buttonColor: 'Gold',
createCheckoutSessionConfig: {
payloadJSON: '{
"webCheckoutDetails": {
"checkoutReviewReturnUrl": ""
"storeId": "amzn1.application-oa2-client.xxxxxxxxx",
"scopes": ["name", "email", "phoneNumber", "billingAddress"],
signature: 'xxxx',
publicKeyId: 'xxxxxxxxxx'

If you use different productType for checkout initiation from the one in Amazon Pay rendering script, it is treated as exceptional implementation.
Please contact Amazon Pay team if you want to consider this integration in advance.

Option2. Have buyer choose shipping address on order review page with tabs

  1. Flow starts as same with Merchant showing Amazon Pay button on their website such as explained in;
  1. Then, when the buyer comes back to order review page after Amazon Pay Hosted page, the buyer sees two types of shipping address (one is from Amazon Pay and another is the one input/saved at merchant site).

Below flow diagram starts from above mentioned #2.

Merchant processingMerchant site
Merchant shows information received in API response (shipping address, payment instrument and etc) on merchant order review page, and implement bindChangeAction to "Change" button.
Note: Merchant shows both Amazon shipping address and shipping address input/saved at merchant site in Tabs on order review page
Merchant also shows payment instrument received in API response on the page.
● ● ●
Order review page
Shipping address
Shimomeguro 1-8-1, Meguro, Tokyo
Amazon Taro

Payment instrument
VISA 1111xxxx (Amazon Pay)

Order detail
Coffee Beans
Coffee beans
Coffee Beans
Coffee cup

About shipping address and name
Same with General flow - About shipping address and name
About payment instrument
Same with General flow - About payment instrument
Change button for shipping address and payment instrument
For buyer to change shipping address or payment instrument on Amazon Pay Hosted page, merchant put "change" button on the site, and implement bindChangeAction to "change" button.
Same with General flow - bindChangeAction.
The buyer choose which shipping address to use, and click "Place Order" button.
● ● ●
Order review page
Shipping address
Shimomeguro 1-8-1, Meguro, Tokyo
Amazon Taro

Payment instrument
VISA 1111xxxx (Amazon Pay)

Order detail
Coffee Beans
Coffee beans
Coffee Beans
Coffee cup


Pros and Cons

Option1Have buyer choose on dialog- Even if a buyer saves shipping address on merchant site, the buyer still can choose to use Amazon Pay shipping address as preferred.
- Amazon can show only intended information (shipping address and/or payment method)on Amazon page based on the buyer’s choice.
- Merchant’s amount of development effort increases as they need to add conditional branches as needed.
- Product type used for rendering Amazon Pay button and actual checkout session differs in some cases, and requires Amazon Pay approval for exceptional integration.
Option2Have buyer choose shipping address on order review page with tabsKeep Amazon Pay integration scope minimum as merchant can use PayAndShip for both new and existing buyers.- Merchant’s amount of development effort increases as they need to modify order review page to show both addresses.
- Checkout Session object holds Amazon shipping address only, and if the buyer chose to use merchant site’s shipping address, Amazon will not be able to know the real shipping address.
- In case of Amazon a-z guarantee is applied, your rebuttal may be disadvantageous.