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Start the session as PayAndShip but do not use Amazon shipping address

Flow Explanation

  1. Flow starts as same with Merchant showing Amazon Pay button on their website such as explained in;
  1. When the buyer comes back to order review page after Amazon Pay Hosted page, merchant only shows shipping address input/saved at merchant site (merchant does not use Amazon shipping address despite of PayAndShip). Merchant shows Amazon payment instrument on the page and implement bindChangeAction.

The rest is same with General flow - Merchant processing after "Place Order"

Pros and Cons

Keep Amazon Pay integration scope minimum as merchant can use PayAndShip for both new and existing buyers.- Buyer will see shipping address on Amazon page regardless of their intention, and may be confused. → This might be relieved by opting in Ship Hosted only when the buyer signs in on Amazon page in the first step.
- Checkout Session object holds Amazon shipping address only, and if the buyer chose to use merchant site’s shipping address, Amazon will not be able to know the real shipping address.
- In case of Amazon a-z guarantee is applied, your rebuttal may be disadvantageous.