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Step1 Get storeId, merchantId, publicKey and privateKey

Get necessary id and keys for Amazon Pay integration by following steps below.

1. Access Seller Central

Access Seller Central.

2. Navigate to Amazon Pay Integration Central

Once login is complete, open a menu at top left corner, and navigate to Integration > Integration Central.

3. Get Store ID and Merchant ID

You will find "Store ID" and "Merchant ID" shown in the middle of the page. Copy these IDs for later use.


4. Get publicKey and privateKey

4.1 If you get keys for the first time or if you lost them

Click on "Create Keys" to create new key pair.



privateKey can be downloaded only once when you create key pair. Make sure to download privateKey at this timing.

4.2 If you already have keys created in past

You will see existing key pairs on this page.


You can get publicKey on this page anytime. However, you can only download privateKey at the timing you create key pairs. If you lost privateKey, you have to create new key pair folling step 4.1