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After launch operation

Seller Central

Transactions performed on Sandbox and Live are shown on Amazon Pay Seller Central > 取引管理画面 (transaction view). Seller Central also provides integration related features and report creation/download features.

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Seller Central Access

See I want to know how to login with Seller Central

Seller Central transaction view

See I want to know about Seller Central transaction view

About status on transaction view

Status is shown for each transaction on transaction view (Open/Closed/Canceled/Suspended). Note this status is based on Charge Permission. Below are example of scenario for each status.

  • Open:
    • 1) Charge is created, but uncatpured.
    • 2) Payment is almost ready but has not been completed. i.e.) a buyer is redirected to Amazon hosted page, and waits for payment to complete, but a buyer dropped from website suddenly for some reason. In this case, Amazon Pay cannot redirect buyer to checkoutResultReturnUrl and thus, merchant cannot call Complete Checkout Session API. Amazon Pay cancels such transaction after 24 hours of its creation, so the transaction is considered failed. See FAQ - Authorization was successful (order data shown in Seller Central), but respective order is not saved at merchant
  • Closed:
    • 1) Charge is captured (In case of allowOvercharge=true, upper limit charge is captured)
    • 2) Close Charge Permission API is called and Charge Permission is closed
    • 3) "終了したお支払い" operation is performed from Transaction view
    • 4) Amazon closed Charge Permission as a fraud transaction (contact Amazon Pay for details)
    • 5) Charge Permission is expired(180days or 13months after its creation)
  • Canceled:
    • 1) "お支払いキャンセル" operation is performed from Transaction view
    • 2) Chanceled without Complete Checkout Session. i.e.) a buyer is redirected to Amazon hosted page, and waits for payment to complete, but a buyer dropped from website suddenly for some reason. In this case, Amazon Pay cannot redirect buyer to checkoutResultReturnUrl and thus, merchant cannot call Complete Checkout Session API. Amazon Pay cancels such transaction after 24 hours of its creation. See FAQ - Authorization was successful (order data shown in Seller Central), but respective order is not saved at merchant
  • Suspended:

Reference ID on transaction view

Amazon Reference ID stands for;

  • chargePermissionId of OneTime checkout
  • ChargeId of Recurring checkout

Seller Central payment detail view

See FAQ - I want to know Seller Central payment detail view

Operation on Seller Central

Order cancel, capture and refund can be initiated on Seller Central. See FAQ - I want to know how to capture, refund and cancel the order on Seller Central


Note on Capture operation on Seller Central.

  • If uncaptured Charge is created by Complete Checkout Session API or by Create Charge API: respective Charge will be captured
  • If no active uncaptured Charge exists: new Charge is created and captured at the same time.

Other FAQs about Seller Central