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Session initiated
Order confirmation
Checkout Session
Get Checkout Session
Update Checkout Session
Complete Checkout Session
Charge Permission
Get Charge Permission
Update Charge Permission
Close Charge Permission
Create Charge
Get Charge
Cancel Charge
Capture Charge
Create Refund
Get Refund

Create Charge


When do I use Create Charge?

To Get new Authorization. Charge object is created as a result.

Several cases may be assumed:

  1. If you don't obtain Authorization in checkout flow (using paymentIntent=Confirm), you call Create Charge API separately at your timing.

  2. Even if you obtain Authorization in checkout flow (using paymentIntent=Authorize or AuthorizeWithCapture), there may be a case you want to cancel it and re-obtain Authorization. In such case, you call Create Charge API.

  3. In case of Recurring, even if you obtain Authorization in checkout flow, you need to continuously call Create Charge API at recurring frequency to obtain Authorization as Amazon DOES NOT automatically initiate Authorization on behalf of merchant.


When you call Create Charge API, you need chargePermissionId returned in Complete Checkout Session API response as a parameter.


You can use Seller Central to create Charge as alternative to Create Charge API.

In the Seller Central, you search respective transaction, and click "売上請求" button attached to the transaction. When clicked, Amazon Pay will Create Charge if Charge object doesn't exist and Capture such Charge at the same time. If you want to keep Charge creation and Caturing separately, you need to call Create Charge API instead.

See Integration Guide - Create Charge

Get Charge


When do I use Get Charge?

When you check detail of Charge created in checkout flow or by Create Charge API

You get charge amount and it's status in API response.

See Integration Guide - Get Charge

Cancel Charge


When do I use Cancel Charge?

When you want to cancel obtained Authorization


You cannot Cancel Charge if such Charge is already Captured.
After Charge is Captured, you can only perform Refund.

See Integration Guide - Cancel Charge

Capture Charge


When do I use Capture Charge?

When you want to Settle Authorization

If you have already settled Authorization in checkout flow (using paymentIntent=AuthorizeWithCapture), you don't need to call this API additionally.

You can use Seller Central to settle Authorization as an alternative to Capture Charge API.


There is No Capture object created as a result of Capture Charge API

See Integration Guide - Capture Charge