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Charge Permission

Session initiated
Order confirmation
Checkout Session
Get Checkout Session
Update Checkout Session
Complete Checkout Session
Charge Permission
Get Charge Permission
Update Charge Permission
Close Charge Permission
Create Charge
Get Charge
Cancel Charge
Capture Charge
Create Refund
Get Refund

Get Charge Permission


When do I use Get Charge Permission?

Once Checkout Session is complete, you cannot get order detail (such as shipping address, payment instrument, order amount etc) from Get Checkout Session API. Instead, call Get Charge Permission API to get order detail

In case of Recurring, the buyer can close Charge Permission from Amazon Pay site by themselves. In this case, Amazon Pay Charge Permission is closed, but your recurring order (at your site) is kept Open. If you call Create Charge API (obtaining Authorization) under this situation, you receive error. In that case, you need to call Get Charge Permission API to check it's status and reason.

  • As explained in Object relationship, Charge is linked to Charge Permission. So if Create Charge API returns error, you need to check Charge Permission status.
  • You can only get details from Charge Permission for 30 days after the time that the Charge Permission was created.

Especially in case delivery of product is included in your recurring agreement, you may find the fact that Charge Permission is closed by the buyer, and cannot Charge to the buyer only after product is shipped if you deliver product to the buyer without calling Create Charge API in advance. Make sure to consider appropriate processing assuming such situation.

See Integration Guide - Get Charge Permission

Update Charge Permission


When do I use Update Charge Permission?

If you issue Order ID (your site's order information ID) only after checkout session completion, and you want to save such Order ID to Charge Permission post checkout, then call Update Charge Permission API to reflect your Order ID to Charge Permission object.

See FAQ - OneTime(都度支払い)で、注文時のAmazon Pay API処理フロー(通常/複数オーソリ/Dynamic Authorization)を知りたいです。

Also you use this API espeially with Recurring case. For example, you may want to change recurring frequency and amount post checkout. In such case, call Update Charge Permission API to update recurring frequency and amount to Charge Permission object.


Note that Charge Permission is updated with new recurring frequency and amount immediately, but it's expirationTimeStamp is only updated after new Charge is created against updated Charge Permission.


Why do I have to update Charge Permission? Does Amazon initiate Authorization at given frequency if I do?

Authorization post checkout always need to be initiated by merchants. Amazon does not initaite Authorization on-behalf of merchants.
Also note that the buyer can see recurring frequency and amount set in the Charge Permission on Amazon Pay site. You need to update frequency ane amount to Charge Permission for buyer to avoid confusion.


Close Charge Permission


When do I use Close Charge Permission?

In case of OneTime payment

When canceling Authorization before Settlement. In such case, you need to close respective Charge Permission and Charge by performing either of followings;

  • Call Close Charge Permission API with cancelPendingCharges parameter set as true
    (If you do this, Amazon Pay closes both Charge Permission and uncaptured Charge at the same time).
  • Call Cancel Charge API and Close Charge Permission API

In case of Recurring payment

In case Recurring agreement is terminated between you and buyer, call Close Charge Permission API to close respective Charge Permission.


Why do I have to close Charge Permission?

Even if you don't Close Charge Permission intentionally, Amazon Pay will close Charge Permission upon expirationTimeStamp if it's no longer used. On the other hand, the buyer can see Charge Permission status on Amazon Pay site, and if it's not "closed" as expected, the buyer may feel uneasy, and contact you for clarification. In order to reduce unnecessary inquiry from buyers, you need to Close Charge Permission.

In case of temporary Recurring suspension (not Recurring agreement termination, but short-term suspension), you don't need to Close Charge Permission.

See Integration Guide - Close Charge Permission