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placement defines the location of (where you render) Amazon Pay button on your website, and supported values are Home, Product, Cart, Checkout, Other.

  • Home - Home, or main page
  • Product - Product page
  • Cart - Cart page
  • Checkout - Any page after the buyer started checkout
  • Other - Pages other than above, and used in mobile apps (Maxopus)

By setting appropriate value to the paratmer, you can expect;

  • Better support quality such as troubleshooting by Amazon Pay
  • To receive improvement proposals from Amazon Pay based on more accurate analysis results

In order to prevent buyer from leaving site before completing checking, and to increase conversion rate, we recomment to show Amazon Pay button at earlier timing during page transitioning.

Here is some palcement example for you to understand more. Please switch tabs to see diferent placement examples.

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Product page
Coffee Beans
Columbia Coffee Beans

Amazon Pay
You have a "Add to Cart" button and Amazon Pay button on the page.
When buyer clicks Amazon Pay button, Amazon Pay initiates Checkout Session, and provide you with shipping address and payment instrument chosen by the buyer. So you add product to your cart in backend, and redirect buyer to order review page showing shipping address and payment instrument provided by Amazon Pay.