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Test your integration

Check service name is correctly shown as "Amazon Pay"

Use Amazon Pay as A and P are capital in case you mention our service name on your website.

Check if information retrieved from Amazon is appripriately processed

During Checkout Session, you call Get Buyer API to get buyer's information from Amazon.
Check if you are processing these information appropriately as some of information requires special handling. See FAQ - What kind of account information can I get from Amazon?

Check if other payment method is NOT offered after Amazon signIn is done

Amazon SignIn is used with Amazon Pay in principle. A buyer clicking on Amazon SignIn button means thay are Amazon Pay users. If other payment methods are still offerred to a buyer, a buyer will be confused. So, make sure you don't offer other payment methods after Amazon Pay checkout session is initiated.

Store name or Logo on Amazon hosted page

Amazon hosted page shows merchant store name or logo if you set them appropriately.
Check if store name or logo is shown on the page as expected.

See FAQ - I want to edit store name or log and store URLs shown on Amazon hosted page


It takes up to 24 hours to reflect store name or logo change from Integration Central to Amazon hosted page.

Browser compatibility

See Browser compatibility (for buyers)

Private Key

Make sure to prevent unauthorized access to private key. Amazon Pay assumes no responsibility in the event of information leakage.